Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cytosport Whey Protein Or Optimum Nutritions Whey Protein Are These Brands Of Whey Protein Good? Which Are The Best? Are They Safe?

Are these brands of whey protein good? which are the best? are they safe? - cytosport whey protein or optimum nutritions whey protein

Is Whey Protein Stack Champion Nutrition, Ultimate Nutrition ProStar Whey, Cytosport Complete Whey Protein 2 pound
Optimum 100% Whey protein is milk or even the right muscles for me?

I will soon be 15, is sure to take this medication?


lv_consu... said...

Protein preparations are completely safe for consumption by those who are healthy. the body can not tell the difference between a protein shake or a piece of chicken.

all the brands you mentioned are good.

resistnz... said...

Yes, on whey protein is safe and good for you. As already mentioned, the body can not between protein sources. Moreover, most sources of whey containing vitamins and minerals, amino acids and naturally contains, the better (most people do not consume enough vitamins / minerals from the normal diet anyway).

The brands you mentioned are good. I personally optimal serum, because I love the taste and is a trusted source firm.

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